Interested in hosting your own private event? Everything you need to know is listed below:
8 people as a minimum number for private events
You can provide whatever food and beverages you chose
All events are 2 hours long - we'll be there 30 minutes beforehand to get set up and you are also allowed to set-up/decorate 30 minutes prior to the event if you choose.
CI$25 non refundable booking fee for Monday - Saturday events | CI$75 fee for Sunday events
Wood Private Events: CI$50 or CI$55 per person (depending on what board size the attendees choose)
Ceramic Private Events: CI$40 or $50 per person for ceramic sessions ($40 for medium items and 50 for large items)
For Wood Classes - please note that 3GK needs sign options chosen and finalised by all event attendees at least 3 days before the event. All sign options can be seen here: